Tuesday 4 February 2014


Sometimes is good to have ideas about the other religions, which are exist in the global, here i give you a bit about the Buddhism. The evolution of Buddhism started in a small kingdom what is now northern India that was ruled by a tribe called the Shakyas.  The head of this people, and the king of this country, was named Shuddodana Gautama, and he had a son, Siddhartha Gautama who is known as Gautama Buddha (563-483) and who was also eventually known as the enlightened one. The Lord Buddha as he is respectfully referred to, was born into the Kshatriya caste to a Queen and a King and was to inherit an entire kingdom and this also meant that he was raised with all the comforts of royalty. Siddhartha grew up to be a strong and handsome young man.  As a prince of the warrior caste, he trained in the arts of war.  When it came time for him to marry, he won the hand of a beautiful princess of a neighbouring kingdom by besting all competitors at a variety of sports. She was called Yashodhara, and they were married when both were 16 years old. While he continued living in the luxury of his palaces, he grew increasing restless and curious about the world away from the palace walls. At the age of 29, Siddhartha came to realize that he could not be happy living as he had been.  He had discovered suffering, and wanted more than anything to discover how one might overcome suffering. He gave away his rich clothing, cut his long hair, and went away to study with two gurus but after mastering their practices, he found their teachings lacking and sought further. In the town of Bodh Gaya, Siddhartha decided that he would sit under a certain fig tree as long as it would take for the answers to the problem of suffering to come.  He sat there for many days, first in deep concentration to clear his mind of all distractions, then in mindfulness meditation, opening himself up to the truth. As he rested under the Bodhi tree (Tree of Enlightenment) he received revelations on why people suffer – love, success, wealth and power. During his time meditating under the holy tree, he accumulated much wisdom and on a full moon Siddhartha finally understood the answer to the question of suffering and became the Buddha, which means “he who is awake.” He learned that ignoring the causes of suffering kept people from liberation (attaining Nirvana) and within a short period he eventually he attained enlightenment and freed himself from doubts of suffering. The attainment of higher understanding could be seen by everyone and his teachings spread as well as his followers and the Lord Buddha began to lead others to path of enlightenment. The Lord Buddha had achieved his enlightenment at the age of 35 and he would teach throughout northeast India for another 45 years.  When the Buddha was 80 years old, he told his friend and cousin Ananda that he would be leaving them soon.  And so it came to be that in Kushinagara, not a hundred miles from his homeland, he ate some spoiled food and became very ill. He went into a deep meditation under a grove of sala trees and gently passed into the cosmos.

The Lord Buddha taught that people could attain Nirvana through the eight-fold teachings that are: right belief, right compassion, right honesty, right resolve, right speech, right action, right effort and right meditation. Buddhists believe that there is no absolute being and that even gods are subject to laws of growth and decay and that essentially the universe is becoming rather than merely being. Prior to the Lord Buddha’s physical death, an order of monks was introduced in which upon admission one was required to attend training after which one would take vows of chastity and poverty and continue to live life peacefully, meditating and focusing on one’s own personal growth. Throughout his life and teachings, adaptations and changes were made to the Order and today there exists doctrine that has been passed down through the centuries.

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