Thursday 13 February 2014

Bullying and how to stop it

How to stop Bullying:

 It’s not that easy to fight bullying. In such a ways to stop it first you need to act very wisely, yes it’s really hard to handle it when it gets to the point, but the main reason for the bully is to make you nervous so he/she could continually proceed. When you hear or see bullying take immediately action by stopping it & talking to the bully, let him/her knows that bullying is unacceptable. Everyone wants and deserve a self of belonging give the person being bullied an offer to be a friend. It should be a full orientation about bullying and how it’s affect others life, Sometimes bullying stops quickly, but doing nothing means it may continue until someone is seriously upset or hurt. That could be you, or the bullies may find someone else to pick on.

Never blame yourself it is not your fault if you are being bullied. Don’t try to deal with the problem on your own there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Avoid hitting the people who are bullying you the action might end up being accused of bullying yourself. Exaggerating won’t work always tell the truth about what has exactly happened. If a small part of what you are saying is shown to be untrue then everything else will be in doubt. Try not to hid what is happen to the adults you trust keeping things secret is the bullies’ biggest weapon. That is why they go to so much trouble to stop you telling.

What is likely to happen is:

Talk to someone you trust, such as a teacher, parent, older relative or friend. Be persistent. If the first person you talk to doesn’t help, don’t give up. Speak to someone else. If you can, write down everything that has been said or done to hurt you. Be careful only to write down things that have really happened. Try to write down how you feel. When you have found someone you can trust, discuss what you have written with that person. Whoever you talk to, ask that person not to do anything without telling you about it first. You have a right to know what is being done for you and to say whether you think it is a good idea or not. If you find it difficult to talk to an adult, ask one of your friends to go with you, or ask someone to talk to an adult for you.

You do not have to be the one being bullied yourself to act. People who bully also get fun and encouragement from the reaction of bystanders. If you see someone else being bullied and keep silence and quiet, the bullies may think that you approve of what they are doing. If you know someone who is being bullied, make sure that the lecturer knows what is going on. Doing nothing have no another explanation only it might be your turn next, you can help by being a friend because those who get bullied feel hopeless and alone, show solidarity by assuring your kindness and care. Take a part in your University’s anti-bullying strategy, such as rising the bullying issues with the student counseling center or within the class room, remember, bullying is wrong and totally unacceptable. Don’t ignore it. Ask for help. If everyone works together, we can stop bullying.

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