Tuesday 8 April 2014

Simpley PELE is the Best in Football History

Pele Imagine yourself in a packed stadium in Mexico in the year 1970. Suddenly you see a player come out on to the pitch. All of a sudden there is a big commotion in the stadium and everyone is going wild. Who is this guy and what is so special about him. His name is Pele and he is from Brazil. He led Brazil to three World Cup titles and is considered one of the best soccer players of all time. He was born in Tres Caracoes, Brazil. Pele was noted for his powerful kicking, skillful ball control, and for his brilliant passing and field strategy. Pele became the only player to participate in three World Cup victories when he led the Brazilian National Team to titles in 1958, 1962, and 1970. Pele also scored 1200 goals in 1253 games, which makes him the top scorer in the history of soccer.

Call him the “God of Soccer”, or “The King” or just simply “Pelé”. Whatever you call him, the memories remain the same. With every touch of the ball, Pelé was capable of conjuring up something new - and beating his opponents in the process. A killer instinct near the goal, Pele was as close to perfection as any player could get. There were other amazing players in the Brazilian team of 1960s and 1970s; however, the breathtaking skills of Pele credited Brazil as the best in world soccer.
Pelé is still the most recognizable soccer player in the world. Even though more than thirty years have passed since he retired, he still represents the sport and inspires a lot of athletes. He was raised in a poor family in the village of Tres Coracoes. He first learned to play the game from his father, the famous player Dondinho, who was his biggest motivation. Once a kid, he used to play for a middle league team where he played as a goalkeeper Discovered by Waldemar de Brito at the age of eleven, Pele was earned a spot in the team Santos with 16 years old. In his first game, he conquered the crowd and the National team’s coach. He made in the team and in 1958 he went to the Soccer’s World Cup, winning as the best player of the competition. He was a huge example for poor kids and black people teaching them that with hard work, you can conquer the world.
He got injured several times, but he would always come back stronger than before. After his second biggest injury, he came back in 1970 and played the best World Cup of his career. Scoring his glorious goal in the last five minutes of the game, Pele won his third World Cup. He was the only athlete that ever got this far. He still keeps his world record for scoring 1280 goals in 1360 games.
Pelé retired from the sport in 1974, but came out of retirement the following year to play in the North American Soccer League with the New York Cosmos for two seasons

Imagen life without Music

 Music is an important part of life. It is a form of expression. It has no boundaries, and it follows no guidelines. Essentially, to me, music is like air. It has no true shape or definition, yet we need it to live. Imagine a world without music. All youre left with is dust. Music is life itself. It is quite common to see somebody walking on the streets with their headphone on. You know that they are listening to music. It is not easy to find a coffee shop which has no music on. There is variety of music you might listen to on the same day from places to places. It is undeniable music is everywhere in our lives. It brings you the relaxation, connects people to people and some certain types of music creates their own listeners community.

Firstly, we come to music to be freed from our stressfulness. Listening to the rhythm of music can stimulate your brain to forget all the complicated thoughts. Music is the treatment for your soul. It helps you to release your sorrow when you have a bad day. It gives you the inspiration to live a good life. I remember when I was upset I listened to the music of the band I like. The symphony of music they perform really got me out of my madness and calmed me down. My heart felt comforted, my soul felt healed and relieved. I was easy to accept the fact what happened to me and be prepared for the next day with the attitude that everything will be better afterward.


Secondly, music has its own magic to consolidate the connection between people. It is not coincident when friends ask friends about their favorite music. Because you know that the music you listen to together will bring you together. There is music for couples that they named them as “our songs”. Music has its specialization to solid the intimacy. None of the party can be content without music. Music find its own way to be in our important events of our life: birthday, wedding, anniversary, celebration… There is the rhythm of your life with the lullaby your mother sings to make you sleep, the songs that you sang with your friends in the camping night, the dancing steps you take with your partner in your wedding. You find music everywhere you go, every moment in your days.

Moreover, music represents for something even bigger as a community or a country. It becomes important for what it presents. Every country has its own nation anthems. When we hear it, we know that is our country, we proud of what we have. We put our hand on our chest, sing along and keep the pride. There is some types of music having their community. People listen to those music feel they are so close to each other, they talk and share the stories about their idols. One of my friends is a fan of Michael Jackson. He loves the music, the dance, the rhythms and he usually goes to meet other Michael Jackson’s fan to enjoy the same taste. They become friends quickly. The music was the bridge of that relationship. 


In conclusion, music lives as an essential part of our lives. With its power of releasing the sadness, healing the hurt soul and consolidate the intimacy, music is one of the most amazingly beautiful things that we have. Music is one of the few things that can help you escape your reality. No matter how bad things are, music has the potential to make you forget all about it. Music can spark any emotion. It can hold memories. It can tell stories. It will always be there. It will never vanish. It will always be life. You cant touch music, but music can touch you.

Thursday 20 February 2014

نصيحة من اخ يحبك Advice from a Brother Love You

لا تكن سلفاكيرآ في تصرفاتك، ولا بشيرآ في مخططاتك ..لا تكن موسفينيآ في أراءك ولا موغابيآ في تعاملك .. كن جيفارا مع الاخرين ونيلسون مانديلا مع اعدائك .. كن مارنزيآ لوطنك وابرهام لينكن لشعبك .. كن جون سينا في اخلاقك وماك تايسون في تصرفاتك ومحمد علي كلاي في مشاعرك ... كن شابآ طموحآ غير مسييس ولا نسخة صينية مزيفة .. اعطي المستقبل المشرق فرصة اخيرة انبذ ( بضم البأ) القبلية واوقف الدفاع عن الذين باعوا القضية واعطوا البلد بكف من ذهب الي الغرباء ...وإذا ليس لديك ضميرآ ام لا تعلم بما يجيش في بلادنا انظر الي اطفالنا في توريت وبيبور و بحر الغزال انظر الي فتياتنا في جونقلي واعالي النيل وبانتيو انظر الي نساءنا في واو وجوبا، رمبيك، يرول، واراب انظر الي شعبنا في ابيي انظر حولك وضع نفسك في مكاننا ثم احكم وإن ادركته بكل هذا وما زال ضميرك ساكنآ وأعماك الولائم والاجواء البيزنطية لن يتبقي لي ما اقول سوئ يرحمك الله والرب اعطي والرب اخذ فليكن اسم الرب مبارك .. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون 

بقلم: ال ساندي جوك

The translation 

I have write this in Arabic when i was so pissed of from some of our African leaders, it has been written in a funny way.

It's like an advice that don't be Salva Kiir ( S.Sudan's President) in your behavior, neither Al Bashir ( Sudan's President) on you plans, Don't be Yoweri Museveni (Uganda's President) on your ideas and never act like Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe's President).

Be like Che Guevara with others and treat your enemies like Nelson Mandela, take the responsibility for your country and defend it like the way  Marines do for their country and even better,Become Abraham Lincoln for your people, You still can be stronger then John Cena by your moral and Mark Tyson in keeping positive attitude, Be Mohamed Ali in your words and feelings, 

Be an ambitious and never be taken by the wrong crew. Don't be weak like a Chinese product, give your dreams a chance to be real. Discard the tribalism, and stop advertising about those corrupt politicians & give out our country to a Foreigners with a golden plat, but if you lack Conscience and try to pretend that have no idea about what is happening in our home. Look to our kids in Torit and Bibor and Bhar Al Gazal. look at our young girls in Jongolie and Upper Nile even Bantiu. Imagine our women in Waw, Juba, Yarol aand Warrab. See how are our people being treated in Abeyie, just look around and position your self where we are,And if you still motionless and the stolen money make you blind without sense of responsibility towards your fellows citizens. I will just have to be speechless rather then saying nothing, I will assume you are died and say "God gives, God takes, Praise the name of God". We are from God and to him we are return.   

Saturday 15 February 2014

Am so Proud to be African and from deep Africa South Sudan

In this very sadness moment, when you see a brother killing his own brother, don't blame the politics or politician. But blame your self nobody else, because you give up your values and believes, and throw them for sake of money. I was feeling really so down after what it's happening back in my country South Sudan, and loosing our loving one in daily bases, you can't even explain how do you feel and how to react. sometimes i want to give but i always remember that God is good all the time, while i was browsing i found this Beautiful poetry and it is really made my day, and i decided to share it with you.

My Country is for Love
So say its valleys
Where ancient rivers flow the full circle of life
Under the proud eye of birds adorning the sky

My Country is for Peace
So says the silent veld
With reptiles caressing the surface
With elegant motions glittering their pride

My Country is for Joy
So talk the mountains
With baboons hopping from boulder to boulder
In the majestic delight of cliffs and peaks

My Country is for Health and Wealth
See the blue of the sea
And beneath, the jewels of fish
Deep under the bowels of soil
Hear the golden voice of a miners praise
For my country

My country is for Unity
See the millions
Feel their passion
Their hands are joined together
Look, there is hope in their eyes
We shall celebrate. 

I hope the trust things will work out very soon, and love & peace be upon us, may God bless South Sudan 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Bullying and how to stop it

How to stop Bullying:

 It’s not that easy to fight bullying. In such a ways to stop it first you need to act very wisely, yes it’s really hard to handle it when it gets to the point, but the main reason for the bully is to make you nervous so he/she could continually proceed. When you hear or see bullying take immediately action by stopping it & talking to the bully, let him/her knows that bullying is unacceptable. Everyone wants and deserve a self of belonging give the person being bullied an offer to be a friend. It should be a full orientation about bullying and how it’s affect others life, Sometimes bullying stops quickly, but doing nothing means it may continue until someone is seriously upset or hurt. That could be you, or the bullies may find someone else to pick on.

Never blame yourself it is not your fault if you are being bullied. Don’t try to deal with the problem on your own there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Avoid hitting the people who are bullying you the action might end up being accused of bullying yourself. Exaggerating won’t work always tell the truth about what has exactly happened. If a small part of what you are saying is shown to be untrue then everything else will be in doubt. Try not to hid what is happen to the adults you trust keeping things secret is the bullies’ biggest weapon. That is why they go to so much trouble to stop you telling.

What is likely to happen is:

Talk to someone you trust, such as a teacher, parent, older relative or friend. Be persistent. If the first person you talk to doesn’t help, don’t give up. Speak to someone else. If you can, write down everything that has been said or done to hurt you. Be careful only to write down things that have really happened. Try to write down how you feel. When you have found someone you can trust, discuss what you have written with that person. Whoever you talk to, ask that person not to do anything without telling you about it first. You have a right to know what is being done for you and to say whether you think it is a good idea or not. If you find it difficult to talk to an adult, ask one of your friends to go with you, or ask someone to talk to an adult for you.

You do not have to be the one being bullied yourself to act. People who bully also get fun and encouragement from the reaction of bystanders. If you see someone else being bullied and keep silence and quiet, the bullies may think that you approve of what they are doing. If you know someone who is being bullied, make sure that the lecturer knows what is going on. Doing nothing have no another explanation only it might be your turn next, you can help by being a friend because those who get bullied feel hopeless and alone, show solidarity by assuring your kindness and care. Take a part in your University’s anti-bullying strategy, such as rising the bullying issues with the student counseling center or within the class room, remember, bullying is wrong and totally unacceptable. Don’t ignore it. Ask for help. If everyone works together, we can stop bullying.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Denzel Washington the Man of all time

Mr. Washington have given the Art a meaning. he is inspiring me in daily basis, Furthermore, Denzel isn't just an actor, is an Ambassador for peace as well. When I watch him acting, he gives me the faith and courage that nothing impossible, it's only requires a hard work.

On one of my Favorite Movies of all time is John Q, it was so emotional and i feel my self and ask if i could have the same courage if it was me. I know is not that easy to be an actor, you have to show that you can handle whatever have been given to you, and have the courage therefore you might be credit and step forward. You must be very comfortable in your own skin, and focus on your dreams, believe in your self and feel a supper start.

Tuesday 4 February 2014


Sometimes is good to have ideas about the other religions, which are exist in the global, here i give you a bit about the Buddhism. The evolution of Buddhism started in a small kingdom what is now northern India that was ruled by a tribe called the Shakyas.  The head of this people, and the king of this country, was named Shuddodana Gautama, and he had a son, Siddhartha Gautama who is known as Gautama Buddha (563-483) and who was also eventually known as the enlightened one. The Lord Buddha as he is respectfully referred to, was born into the Kshatriya caste to a Queen and a King and was to inherit an entire kingdom and this also meant that he was raised with all the comforts of royalty. Siddhartha grew up to be a strong and handsome young man.  As a prince of the warrior caste, he trained in the arts of war.  When it came time for him to marry, he won the hand of a beautiful princess of a neighbouring kingdom by besting all competitors at a variety of sports. She was called Yashodhara, and they were married when both were 16 years old. While he continued living in the luxury of his palaces, he grew increasing restless and curious about the world away from the palace walls. At the age of 29, Siddhartha came to realize that he could not be happy living as he had been.  He had discovered suffering, and wanted more than anything to discover how one might overcome suffering. He gave away his rich clothing, cut his long hair, and went away to study with two gurus but after mastering their practices, he found their teachings lacking and sought further. In the town of Bodh Gaya, Siddhartha decided that he would sit under a certain fig tree as long as it would take for the answers to the problem of suffering to come.  He sat there for many days, first in deep concentration to clear his mind of all distractions, then in mindfulness meditation, opening himself up to the truth. As he rested under the Bodhi tree (Tree of Enlightenment) he received revelations on why people suffer – love, success, wealth and power. During his time meditating under the holy tree, he accumulated much wisdom and on a full moon Siddhartha finally understood the answer to the question of suffering and became the Buddha, which means “he who is awake.” He learned that ignoring the causes of suffering kept people from liberation (attaining Nirvana) and within a short period he eventually he attained enlightenment and freed himself from doubts of suffering. The attainment of higher understanding could be seen by everyone and his teachings spread as well as his followers and the Lord Buddha began to lead others to path of enlightenment. The Lord Buddha had achieved his enlightenment at the age of 35 and he would teach throughout northeast India for another 45 years.  When the Buddha was 80 years old, he told his friend and cousin Ananda that he would be leaving them soon.  And so it came to be that in Kushinagara, not a hundred miles from his homeland, he ate some spoiled food and became very ill. He went into a deep meditation under a grove of sala trees and gently passed into the cosmos.

The Lord Buddha taught that people could attain Nirvana through the eight-fold teachings that are: right belief, right compassion, right honesty, right resolve, right speech, right action, right effort and right meditation. Buddhists believe that there is no absolute being and that even gods are subject to laws of growth and decay and that essentially the universe is becoming rather than merely being. Prior to the Lord Buddha’s physical death, an order of monks was introduced in which upon admission one was required to attend training after which one would take vows of chastity and poverty and continue to live life peacefully, meditating and focusing on one’s own personal growth. Throughout his life and teachings, adaptations and changes were made to the Order and today there exists doctrine that has been passed down through the centuries.

Friday 31 January 2014

What is the right time for a graduating senior to get married

There is no ideal time for a graduating senior to get married. Only you and your partner know when it's right, no one else.
Marriage is more than just a ring and a piece of paper. It's a promise, a vow that you're committed to one another and no one else until the end of your days. Sure it's a vow that can and has been easily broken but it's there nonetheless. Without it, it's too easy for someone to just pick up and move on.
People get married for a number of reasons. Some do it for children, some do it for security, some do it for sex, some do it for commitment and some do it for money. And yes, some do it for love. But I think the best reason why people get married is for companionship, to have someone to share your experiences with and through whom you can share their experiences, to grow old with, to take care and be there for one another. Life can be lonely, so having a person who loves you enough to commit to spending their one and only life with you is very important and can be deeply moving. It's for support when times get tough and to have someone to celebrate with when things go well. Companionship in a marriage simply means having someone to share all the joys and pains in life. Sure you can do that with someone who you're not married to, but the commitment to each other means a lot. The commitment means you are dedicated to your partner and only your partner. It says hands off to other people because you are off the market.
The decision to get married and the timing depend on several issues, there's emotional commitment, security and protection, financial preparation and societal status. I think one should get married when they are absolutely certain that no one makes you as happy as your partner. You could find that person at any age. There are no set rules. Just make sure you both are on the same page and when that happens, pop the question.
As a graduating senior, I will soon start considering marriage amongst other things to deal with after graduation. Yes, the thought brings excitement and fear at times. I constantly think about losing my individuality even though many people tell me I can be myself and still be a married man. However, I've learned that getting married when ready is a good idea. Once you've realized your goals and have matured, then it's safe to bring in someone else who is going to support you completely. My mother married my father in her mid-20s, and they just celebrated their 25th anniversary. That seems to be a long marriage these days, but I think it lasted because they had their priorities straight and recognized by one another.
When then is the right time to get married? Is there an ideal time? 
When should you move from dating to being husband and wife? Every relationship is different. Every couple has different dynamics. You should get married when you feel the time is right. Not the society, not your family, you. You should get married when:
You are totally, madly, completely, head over heels in love. Not one-sided, only when it is reciprocated. You feel she is the one. There is no one better than her for you. No one gets you like she does. You feel you’ve been in the dating circle long enough and if you let her go, you’d be the biggest loser on earth.
As a graduating senior, you are mature enough to understand what marriage really means. When you are in love and ready for commitment. When you are responsible enough to take care of another person, support her financially, and emotionally. You should understand that it is a big move and would mean sharing your life with someone till the day you die. 
You are in a real relationship where both of you are level-headed people, who respect each other. You have arguments and fights, but you deal with them like adults, talk it out, not jump up and down like six-year olds. You know disagreements are part of your life. There’s no running away. You are a team. No one is superior to the other. You’re honest and open with each other and share everything, all your dreams and insecurities, and even your failures. 
When you feel you’re ready. You have waited long enough. You’re settled in your life and work. You know your goals and aspirations. You know what is to have a family, have a child. You’re not driven by societal or family pressures, or the fact that you’re aging quickly. You have come to this decision based on your feelings and thoughts.

Marriage should not be entered in lightly, but we do so often anymore. Its best you wait for the right time. But if you are going to wait for the right time; do not wait for too long; the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.

Monday 27 January 2014

My first day in United States International University (USIU)

Every student of high school/college, in his/her life, at certain point dreams about his/her university life. It is the dream of every student to get admission in a University of high esteem. A University with full color of life makes a bigger share in good memories.

Well! it's a day to remember & always will be in my mind. I am a first year International Relation (IR) student at USIU. I have moved to Nairobi, Kenya in 2011 from Sudan where i was born and raised. The school i had attended in udan were all in Arabic, hence I was only properly interoduced to English language when my family sent me to kenya for studies.

Even though I could confidently say my language skills have improved immensely since I first arrived, it is still quiet challenging for me to have to deal with some of the University/course work.

One particular module that I find very difficult is the writing part. My listening & speaking are a bit understandable, I request for a spacial consideration in regard to this matter, even though it's my first time dealing with some such a subjects, because what i have done in my primary and high school back home it most about Islamic culture.

Furthermore, I would like to point out the fact that I have always been and will continue to be aware of the face that this academic journey of mine is not going to be an easy walk, however be that as it may, I believe that I have what it takes to finish this journey I started here at USIU, for I am determined and focused and aware of the fact that hard work always pays off.

I do believe that am in the right place, and I really do love my University and so glad to be a part of USIU family. I have to do my best to make my day happy, and make my family and friends
proud of me. As I conclude with one of the best Bob Marley quote of all time "The greatness of a Man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him"